
A forum for people interested in keeping nano tanks


Postby u-nano » Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:42 am

reefphilippines member
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:14 pm

Postby u-nano » Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:59 am

hi this is our nano tank that has taken us 3 years to get to its current condition which you see here. Sorry for the pic , its just from a camphone with just a l.e.d moonlight. This tank is 12" cube (7.48usg).
tank started 2007 , bataan sand and base rocks , nsw from marinehub and marinaa. and for the first year of its life it was fowlr with twin backpack filters -the 1st year served as my crash course on marine aquarium life familiarization. (although i have been keeping fresh aquarium fish scince gradeschool- and i still have had and bred some tanganyikan cichlids which then led me to brackish asian and malagasy cichlids which i still care for ) so this lead me to building a nano tank , because we just want to have a small ecosystem with minimum maintenance required and also because i didnt want to be troubled by the whole lot of proffessional equipment needed for larger and more complex systems and coral requirements , so we decided and stuck to our nano tank.
2008 (tank in bedroom / twin backpacks . 1 spiral light bulb)
i had aptesia breakout and it bummed us out so i just left the tank alone just letting the water evaporate untill it reached halfway , by this time there was nothing alive in my tank anymore and also no more pesky aptesia , then i just poured fresh w.ater and filled up the tank to the brim . after a few days i was shocked to see 1 nassarius snail crawling around the tank and this gave me hope :D by this time i had already ditched the twin backpack filters for my readings that this mechanical crushed coral filtration might have been the source of my tanks fouling up, this year i just used a single smallest resun powerhead that gave my tank water movement , and scince there were no corals nor fish i ditched the old light too (thinking it was the prime source of heat going into my tankwater). and i lest the tank alone for a whole year not messing with it just adding water.
2009 we decided to bring the nano out of our bedroom and placed it in the garage .( still powered by just 1 powerhead for watermovement and some indirect sunlight)
and while buying dvds i saw some blue and red actinos at marinaa and decided to give my nano another shot so i got 2 reds and 2 blues and just placed them in the tank with no aquarium lighting just indirect sunlight from top , left side and front of tank. and because they were doing quite well after a month i decided to do a waterchange and we have been adding small easy hardy chunks and frags time to time which is the collection that you guys see now. all of our LS are just common local easy corals so i had to stay within these selections for my tank to survive.
now that my tank is stable , and from a lot of reading from reefphilippines we now havw ditched the old resun pump that has never failed us but is now clearly underpowered to produce proper waterflow around the aquarium and replaced with the smallest magnet mount pump that we could find was the small seio at MH this now powers the tank from behind the small reefwall and throws the water above and around pur small wall or rocks. the blastos we got from MH and RS looked better after the change of pump. by this time the tank still has no lights nor timers just natural sunrise and sunset indirect lighting. then i got the pl 11wattts 6500k lighting from aquaria manila so that i had light when rearranging or looking for lost or flying stuff around the tank. and recently got 1 small led nightlight.
this may sound as a nightmare for you guys but as of now my tank
has been stable and have been running it filterless sumpless skimerless - i also have no thermometer and no hydrometer just a decent pump and 2-4 times a month 20% waterchange :D just sharing our tank pic as we have learned a lot from reefphilippines. thank you
reefphilippines member
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:14 pm

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