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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:51 pm
by weekdaywarrior
Hi people! I know that this has been discussed many times over in other fora but still, I would like to hear from local guys on their experience with this kind of fish.

Are they really not invert safe? Would they eat shrimps snails and crabs? Do they really wreak havoc in a reef tank by turning over rocks and loose stuff?

For reference, I have fixed (bonded) rockscape and all my corals are either reef plugged or fixed on a small/flat LR.

The reason I want to get feedback on it is due to the same things I read about the commonly termed yellow coris. I have one in my tank for about four months now and has not touched any of my corals ever while this fish is marked as "with caution" as to being reef safe in liveaquaria.
Anybody who has kept them in a reef tank without all the reported issues? Would appreciate knowing your experience as I would really want to keep this wrasse.

Thanks very much.